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Rules for using the online service Hexguru.ru
1. The publication of files converted by calculators online service hexguru.ru is allowed only with the indication of the source.
Namely, if you are using file from the calculators hexguru.ru, you must comply with one of three conditions:
1.1 Leave the file name as it was downloaded from the site hexguru.ru
1.2 Publish a link to the source of the file.
1.3 On resources where direct links are prohibited and the name of the file also contradicts the rules of the resource, it is possible to specify the source in the form of nickname Hexguru
(for example: calculated by Hexguru, cleared by Hexguru)
2. Selection of algorithms is prohibited.
3. Any violation of the rules will be penalized at the discretion of the administrator, up to the total blocking of the account of the offender.